An advice article that gives businesses an idea of how important marketing is to their growth and what they should expect from their marketing consultant.
Recently, our Director, Elliot caught up with East Midlands Business Link to give his 2023 business predictions with an emphasis of marketing and how to future proof your business.
Our article outlines our two year journey of helping Finch Consulting reach a point where marketing is an accepted part of the culture and now at the very centre of everything they do.
Croft Printing has appointed Simple Marketing Consultancy to help them develop a more diverse marketing strategy and promotional plan and respond to a massive increase in orders from the food industry following the coronavirus outbreak.
Selling a business takes time, which means that you need to plan well in advance. Especially as it is highly unlikely your business will be entirely ready to sell. This is where marketing can help.
If you own a business, promoting it using social media can be both a risk and a competitive edge. But do you have a well thought out social media strategy with supporting employee policies to ensure your business is not at risk?
Nottingham based marketing agency, Simple Marketing Consultancy looks back on its 8th anniversary providing professional marketing advice to businesses within the East Midlands.