Lesley Cree Opticians, a client of Simple Marketing Consultancy in Nottingham has been profiled in the Nottingham Evening Post as a nominee for the 2014 Women in Business Awards in the New Business and Entrepreneur of the Year categories.
We have been providing Lesley with strategic advice and help with practical implementation since January 2014.
Lesley Cree Opticians in Radcliffe on Trent was opened in July 2012 as a stylish, boutique-style, opticians.
Supported by a vibrant brand identity, a superb range of designer eyewear, a regular programme of marketing activity and an ethos grounded on spending quality time with patients in chic surroundings, Lesley Cree has become a pillar of the community.
Lesley visits local schools to promote eye health, supports Radcliffe Male Voice Choir and Radcliffe Olympic Football club, participates in community festivals and uses attractive shop window displays and competitions to increase trade.
The new enterprise has created local employment opportunities. From one receptionist and a part-time Dispensing Optician, Lesley now employs 7 staff including Ruth Bennett a former QMC senior optometrist and PCT Inspector of practices. Ruth is accredited to see patients referred for assessment of abnormal eye conditions, saving people from waiting lists, and the inconvenience of visiting eye hospitals.
Having achieved “Quality in Optometry Level Two Standard” for “Enhanced Services in the Community”, Lesley Cree presents a truly unique eye examination experience combining experienced staff with quality products and service.