PR is free and seemingly easy to produce – so all you have to do is write your story and email it as a press release to the media outlet and it’ll get covered – right?
Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth – particularly in today’s digital world where the competition for share of voice is seriously hotting up.
Websites with high volumes of visitors can command higher rates for on-line advertising, consequently, as the sale of hard copy advertising continues to dwindle, the boundaries that would previously have existed between editorial teams and sales teams is beginning to get seriously blurred!
This is because journalists are now being targeted with delivering website ‘hits’ which means they will be on the look-out for headlines and stories that have the potential to go viral and boost web traffic. This does not necessarily mean they will favour an advertisers story, but it emphasises the need to ensure what you send in will tick all the boxes.
It has always been the case that press releases that are nothing but an advertorially led sales piece will end hitting the delete key – and not used in print or online – and whilst you may think that the advent of more on-line channels means more content is required – successfully gaining coverage takes knowledge and expertise.
The number one rule is that an article has to be interesting to readers to get used by journalists – this is all the more so now that editors are increasingly being targeted on the number of ‘hits” their headlines create for their respective website!
PR isn’t just about stories about your company. We’ve developed relationships with journalists so that our clients are considered experts and asked for quotes related to features they are writing and breaking news events.
We are also renown for helping our clients coming up with a PR spin for other news they may like to publish that needs an added hook.
We have excellent relationship with photographers who know how to take great pictures to maximise the chances of your PR being used.
Sometimes we can negotiate them for free because we have sold in a story of success, sometimes they are linked to being a good advertiser, we have the skills to negotiate appropriate editorial features.
We also know the business editors of all the East Midlands leading media channels, so if we can help your business gain more PR coverage please get in touch.