Alpha Rail
Testimonial for Simple Marketing Consultancy in Nottingham from Alpha Rail
We initially appointed Bev to help us write the copy for our new website. After the initial meeting we realised that Bev had a lot more to offer us by way of her vast experience and practical knowledge.
She opened our eyes to a number of new and cost effective ways that we could be using to promote our business and we decided to employ her on a retainer. She now helps us implement a regular programme of tactical activity and ensuring our website is continually updated with news stories, case studies and project photography. When Bev says she is going to get something done – it get’s done – if only this could be said of everyone !
She has never been short of good ideas and we have fun working with her. Sometimes there is lots of healthy debate about some of our respective ideas, but it is all done in good spirit and the outcome is usually better, whilst still focused on ensuring we meet our marketing objectives.
We recently began a Growth Accelerator programme and our business mentor was impressed with what we were currently doing with regards to marketing. We have decided to involve Bev in this process to ensure we continually improve what we do.
Thanks for all your efforts so far ! Much appreciated.
Phil Ball, Sales Director